28 Posti
Via Corsico 1, Milano
+39 02 8392377
From Tuesday to Saturday
19.30 - 24.00
(Kitchen closes at:: 22.00)
3 Tastings
50 €
5 Tastings
75 €
8 Tastings
90 €
Artichoke and Parmesan (3)(7)(9)(14)
18 €
Tongue veal, celeriac, fermented fennel, gremolada and clams
20 €
Miso cauliflower, salted almond, black garlic and thyme(2)(3)(7)(9)
18 €
First Courses
Linguina Pastificio Mancini, sour butter, seaweeds and black
sesamo (1) (6) (9)
24 €
Tuffoli, fish broth, crispy red pepper, roasted tomatoes.
parsley and turnip (5) (7)(8)(9)
22 €
Second courses
Grilled croaker, vegetable jus, and cauliflower(5) (3)
28 €
Lamb, muhammara and leek (2)(3)
28 €
Milk and honey, Guinea fowl, sauce supreme and radicchio (3)(9)(14)
28 €
Bread and beet (3)(7)(9)(14)
10 €
Ricotta,ferratella,Aurum (2(3)(9)(14)
10 €
10 €
28 Posti Via Corsico, 1 20144 Milano
02 8392377 28posti@gmail.com
OPENING TIME From Tuesday to Saturday 19.30-24.00 (Kitchen closes at: 22.00)
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